Welcome To VTTB Provision Supply

VTTB Provision Store is a part of VTTB team, which provides provision and bonded stores for vessels calling at  terminals and in port whether it is at berth or anchorages of Vietnam

With many years of experience in selection, storage and delivery of provision and bonded stores to vessels, we always provide solution based on every crew ‘s preference in accordance with budget set by ship owner and management.

We stock a wide range of fresh, frozen and dry provision to satisfy and comfort the tastes of ship crew at sea regardless of the nationality and allow your members enjoy their favorite products as motivation for efficient performance of their work

Fruit, vegetables and dairy products are purchased and delivered daily from the market. Provision and bonded stores are sourced locally in competitive areas and distributed to local VTTB warehouses directly.

We work with ISSA and IMPA catalogues, based on provision and bonded stores in our warehouses:

  • Fresh Vegetables
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Dry Provision
  • Seafood
  • Condiments
  • Canned Products
  • Dairy Products
  • Poultry & Meat
  • Snack
  • Beverages
  • Cigarettes

Having good meals for the ship crew is very important. We at VTTB always make sure to supply the absolute highest quality, freshest foods and the reliability of just in time delivery at competitive price.