Wet & Dry Buld Hygrometers

  • Consisiting of dry and wet alcohol filled glass thermometers fixed on a panel .
  • By differential indication between these thermometers , humidity can be read from the table mounted on a panel .
  • Used to measure the relative humidity in the Cargo hold .
  • Basically, two mercury thermometers are used in this hygrometer. One thermometer feels the surrounding air temperature. This thermometer is called a dry bulb thermometer. Another mercury thermometer is used to measure the water temperature at the temperature of a dry bulb thermometer. This thermometer is called the wet-bulb thermometer. A sleeve of muslin cloth or wicking dip is fitted over the feeling end of the wet-bulb thermometer. The free end of this muslin sleeve dips in the reservoir or container filled with distilled water. The temperature measuring scale is mounted close to each thermometer.

Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer